Matched Betting Mastermind Retreat:
Bringing the Best of the Best Together
How to hit six figure years without multi-accounting even if you are gubbed and stake-restricted on every account... How I do it and how you can too
Hi, I'm Ben. I started Matched Betting in around 2003, started teaching it in 2005 and now combine matched betting with online marketing to create positive EV that 99.99% of matchedbettors miss out on - I can't wait to meet you!
This Event is by Invitation or Application if You Do Not Personally Already Know Ben
Tickets Cost: £4,995+VAT
Thank you for your interest. So basically, I'm putting this together as an excuse to have a great 40th birthday at a five star hotel with people who "Get us" and this whole matched betting world that we live in.
The focus of the event will be around learning and making connections in a laid back way. The exact agenda is currently a work in progress, but it will probably be something like:
Day 1
Introduce yourself to the group followed by afternoon drinks and canapes at the Hard Rock.
Dinner and drinks at the Hard Rock in the evening.
Day 2
Morning Talks and Afternoon Excursion TBC
Dinner and drinks Venue TBC
Day 3
Morning Talks and Afternoon Excursion TBC
Dinner and drinks Venue TBC
Day 4
Fly back
You can email Ben's team at if you know someone (Including yourself!) who you think would be a good fit. If covid stops us from doing it then your ticket will be moved to next year's mastermind 30 March - 2 April 2023 (Canary islands - Which island we go to is TBC).
You missed out!