Tax-Free Guaranteed Profits


"I've made £1,000 tax-free profit each month since March 2023 in less than 30 minutes a day"


100% Money Back Guarantee - 90 Day Risk Free Trial

* Above - Undeniable proof of making £3,412.50 tax-free from 6 bets in 1 day from just 1 bookie account.

The Easiest, Most Efficient and Laziest Way to Extract MAXIMUM Profit from the Bookies

For a VERY limited time doors are open for limited number of spots on our "Copy and Profit" system. 

Customer Case Study:

"I made a profit of £6,734.47 using a bank roll of £800.00 - This is the real deal"

Simply place the bets we tell you each day and bank the profits... That's it!  100% Guaranteed.

Turned £3,000 into £18,061.66 in One Year 

All Profits are 100% Tax-Free if You Are in the UK

Over £15k Profit in 12 months

By simply placing the bets that we tell you too each day.  

(Sept 2022 to Sept 2023)

£2,100.33 Profit in Sept 2023

A £3,000 bankroll would have returned £5,100.33 by placing our bet picks. 

Takes less than 30 minutes 

And it's more like 15 minutes to place the 10 or so bets we recommend each day around lunchtime (No laying required)

Maximise Profits

Your bookie accounts last longer, no lay bets required saving time and maximising bankroll ... PLUS it's SCALEABLE.

Scaleable, EASY, BIG Profits Are Waiting for You

Now look, you and I both know that Matched Betting works! 

I mean, even if you make just £10 profit a day from the daily offer calendar then you've banked yourself an extra £3,650 tax-free profit each year, which all helps...

 ...and we know that you can make MUCH more than £10/day from matched betting. 

But, Let's Be Real for a Second

It takes time, it's fiddly and in all honesty, there's an easier way to do this that is MUCH more profitable, requires MUCH less effort and is simply, MUCH easier!

You've done the hard work, opening up your accounts and now it's time to maximise profit extraction from all of those ATM aka bookies that you have with minimal time and minimal effort...

Introducing, Copy and Profit

You may or may not know that Value Betting is the Holy of Grail of bookmaker money extraction that most matched bettors' never learn about and for those few that do, most still never get around to doing it PROPERLY. 

What Our Member's are Saying:

"Over 80% Tax-Free ROI in Just 1 Month!"

Having tried these value bets for two weeks now with some reservations as they are in essence just gambles with the bookies, I can now say I love it. £800 profit in my first month... I just want to say, a big big thank you!

MICHAEL  //  Copy and Profit Case Study

"Made a Profit of £6,734.47 using a bank roll of £800"

I have been using this for the last fourteen months and with a starting bankroll of £800.00 and by only placing small bets have made a Tax-Free Profit of around £7000.00*. 

If I can do it, anyone can, so if you’re looking for a tried and proven way to make an extra on-line, part/full-time income then give it a try. Oh, and remember it’s Tax Free...

 * £561.20 extra a month may not sound a lot but it only takes around 30 minutes a day and you would have made the same amount if you placed the same bets that Colston did (Ie. simply placing our copy and profit bet picks each day). If you invested more than £800, you would have made more! This is the real deal.

COLSTON  //  Copy and Profit Case Study

Prefer Video?

See the Short Video Testimonial Collage Below of Some of Our Member's

Above: 1 minute and a half - Video Testimonials of Three Member, Case Studies

No Skill or Experience is Required

The beauty of Copy and Profit is that it requires no previous experience and as long as you can copy and paste, then you can profit - Start with as little as £200 to invest and up to £20,000+. 

It requires zero skill. You simply calibarate your personalised bet profile with how much you want to invest (You can change it at anytime) and then it tells you what bets to place each day and how much to place on each bet.

We use the gold standard of trading known as the Kelly Criterion to calculate the stake sizes and do all the calculations in the background, so all you have to do is copy and paste the bet amount onto your online bookmaker slip and place the bet(s). That's literally it!

Here's How it Works 

When you apply and make payment, if you are accepted then you: 

  1. 1
    Get Instant Access to the Copy and Profit Training Module
    Super simple to learn with instant access - I don't know if we can call it a module because it takes less than 1 hour to get "Trained" on how to place the bets and "Calibrate" (Type a number into a box lol) your personalised bet amounts for the bets that we give out each day. You have full access to our UK based support team if you need help with anything (Like opening your bookmaker accounts and placing your first bets, for example). 
  2. 2
    Get Instant Access to the Daily Value Bet Picks
    Every day at around 11am or so, we send out the bet picks for the day for you to place. This is usually around 10 to 20 bets or so and each bet has a link that you click that takes you to the bookmaker and sometimes even opens the betslip for you! Quite simply, if you place these bets then you will have a nice tax-free profit each year to spend as you like. The more bets you place, the more money you make.  
  3. 3
    Place the Bets We that Tell You To
    Start small and increase your bankroll whenever you like. You can start with as little as £200 or even paper trade the bets if you like (Ie. Pretend to place the bets). Once you start seeing proof with your own eyes, like other's that apply to join and are accepted, you will more than likely decide to increase your bankroll sooner rather than later, so you increase your profits!

Ben Fathers //  Founder

I've been sports investing my whole life, with my first bet being placed over twenty years ago. I began teaching in 2005, before matched betting was even a word. 

Collectively, combining mine and my students' profits, we have extracted, an estimated £10 million pounds from the bookmakers. I'm pretty much banned everywhere including some conferences! 

I see myself as a modern Robin Hood but the bookies have a different take on it lol. Copy and Profit is by far the most efficient and quite frankly, easiest way to make money online if you are fortunate enough to be based in the UK.

Ben Fathers

Join Over 100 Happy Customers

"Nothing Compares to This - I've Already Made Hundreds in Profit"

you'll be amazed at the results... I've begun conservatively with a £1000 bankroll and already must have made hundreds in profit...

Just follow Ben and his teams wonderful teaching and take it one step at a time - of all the betting and tipster services I've seen nothing compares to this copy and paste value system - it really has left me feeling optimistic for the future...

Thanks Ben and the team - I joined copy and profit and haven't regretted it - it's brilliant - thanks for the opportunity and here's to everyone's success.

GRAHAME  //  Copy and Profit Case Study

"Made Around £9,000 to £10,000 So Far and It Takes around 30 Minutes a Day"

These have been well worth doing and I have made around £9000-£10,000 since starting over a year ago now with a relatively small bankroll. The bets rarely take more than half an hour each day and often less. 

VICTORIA  //  Copy and Profit Case Study

Prefer Video?

See the Short Video Testimonial from Andy who has made over £6,000.00 tax-free in his first 6 months (Turn volume up)

Above: (Turn your volume up) 1 minute and a half - Video Testimonial from Andy making £1,000 per month

Secure Your Spot Today - Limited Places Available and It's The Perfect Time to Join

Really! We have a GENUINE number of limited places and we can close the doors to new member's at ANY given moment. We HAVE to limit membership to protect our existing member's. When you click the button below, if it still let's you purchase, it means that you're in luck and there is still a spot waiting for you. 

November is historically our best month. In fact, last year in November, 2022 the copy and profit bet picks extracted a whopping £3,796.22 from the bookies on a £3k bankroll making a 126.5% Tax-Free Return on Investment for the month! 


100% Money Back Guarantee - 90 Day Risk Free Trial

If you don't make a profit by simply placing the bets we tell you to (Which is historically impossible), just let us know and we'll refund you. I don't know what else I can do to get you to try this. Quite simply - It works. 

Ben Fathers

Frequently Asked Questions

Isn't this just gambling?

No! This is combining statistical data that has PROVEN results based on solid math. By combining sophistacted software and my own trading team, we compile a list of 10 or so value bets that you make a profit on over the long term and the bookmakers take a loss on for a number of reasons including: 

* To attract new big customers aka whales who will bet crazy amounts, like over £100,000 per bet!

* Or because the bookies sometimes get the odds wrong (It happens),

* Or maybe to "Balance their books" on a particular market if too many bets from punters get placed on one team... Ie. If England are playing then they may need a particular amount of £ bets on the opposing team to balance out their books hence give out preferential odds. 

There are a number of ways that these bet picks are found that obviously can't be shared completely, but things like the above combined with using betting exchanges to the use of the "Wisdom of the crowds" and what the real price should be for a particular bet market are just some of the techniques used to maximise profit extraction.

I've never placed a bet before, can I do this?

100% Yes. The "Training" takes less than 1 hour to learn how to place bets and copy and paste the bet into the betslips. Remember you have access to our support team if you need any help :)

I'm gubbed from some accounts, will this work for me?

Firstly, if you don't know what gubbed means, then you definitely need to join because you are sitting on goldmine. Seriously, imagine 30 ATM machines just waiting for you to withdraw money from them, once you know what the pin code is for each one (Ie. what value bets to place).

If you are gubbed, then you might just be bonus restricted as opposed to stake restricted which means you are good to go as we don't need free bets or bonuses for Copy and Profit. 

If you are also stake restricted from some bookmaker accounts but not all of them, then we recommend you give it a try and if you don't make a profit, you can have your money back, no questions asked and no problem at all. 

Isn't it just a £1,000 or so that I will make each month?

The more bets you place the more money you make. Also, the more money you have to invest, then more you can make. From the testimonial of our member, Colston who made £6,734.47 over 14 months from £800, this is £561.20 tax free profit per month. 

If you had more than £800 to invest (Or reinvested some of your winnings) then you would have made a lot more. 

If we cloned 10 Colston's who each placed the bets we told you too each day like he did and they each invested £800 then a total of £8,000 would have returned £67,344.70 tax free over 14 months

Either way, we feel that £561.20 monthly tax-free profit on average from an £800 investment can be life changing for some people and it only takes around 30 minutes a day to place your bets.

We haven't found ANYTHING as good as this over the twenty odd years we have been in the "Make money online" market. We ask our member's to let us know if they ever do find anything better this and unsurprisingly we haven't head anything from them either!

What is a bankroll?

This is a term used in sports investing to simply indicate how much you want to invest. Ie. if you start out with £200 to invest then you have a bankroll of £200. 


Do I have to place the bets every day?

No, not at all. You can place them on as many or as few days that you can be bothered too! What we usually find is that member's fall in love with this legal money making loophole, because it actually, genuinely works and they start to realise that the more bets they place, the more money they make!

What time do I have to place the bets?

We release the bet picks at around lunchtime each day or just before. Say, somewhere between 11am and 12pm UK time, as we are a UK based company.

There will be 10 to 20 or so bets and you can place as many or as few as you want to from that list each day.  

Each bet will have it's "EV" (Expected Value) next to it, ie. average % profit that the bet makes you. For example a Bet with an EV of 104% makes you 4% profit on average. We have bets ranging from 100% to as high as 150%+ on the odd occassion. You can pick which ones you want to place or simply do all of them. 

Some bets on some days need to be placed sooner rather than later in the day, for example if have have a value bet on a football match that's taking place in the afternoon then the bet needs to be placed before kick off, but many of the other bet picks for that day would likely take place later, meaning there's no hurry. 

Ie. If you can't get on your phone or computer at lunchtime to place your bets, then you can still get them placed in the afternoon or early evening, still bagging some profit for the day... If you miss a day, there's always tomorrow!

Why isn't everyone doing this?

If I had a penny for everytime I got asked this lol...

The question is - Will you do this, after you've seen all of this proof and can try it risk-free and get your money back if it doesn't work?

Different reasons for different people, but it's generally down to mindset in one way, shape or form...

100% Money Back Guarantee - 90 Day Risk Free Trial

There's no catch. This works and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I take all the risk so you don't have to. 

If you place the bets we tell you too, you WILL make a profit and if you don't then you'll get your money back.

I know nothing about sport - Does that matter?

Nope - Neither do most of my students including myself. It makes zero difference. Think of the online bookmakers as ATM machines... Seriously!

I don't know how ATM machines work on the inside but I know if I put my card in and enter the pin, then I can withdraw money from them. 

We tell you which ATMs aka Bookies to use and what the pin is aka what bets to place, for each one. As long as you are based in the UK and know how to copy, paste and click, then you're all set!

It just sounds too good to be true...

Then why don't you try it and see for yourself? There's a 100% Money Back Guarantee - 90 day risk free trial for people like you (And like myself) who are very skeptical / risk averse.

Every day that passes is a day that you're missing out! Don't just listen to me, but listen to the video testimonials on this page if you are still unsure.

And remember "If you don't risk anything, you risk everything".

Can I just place bets with a bet exchange like Betfair?

No - You need online bookmaker accounts for this OR you need to live by a high street bookmaker that you don't mind going into for our offline bet picks. The value comes from the bookmakers getting the odds wrong essentially most of the time and the bet exchanges are often keymarkers for what the true odds should be for a given market. 

Is this essentially just matched betting?

Not really - It's much simpler. You are just placing 10 to 20 bets or so each day that don't even need laying with the bet exchange. 

It is the same as matched betting in the sense that we are being smart and beating the bookmakers in a way that the other 99% plus of "Mug punters" miss out on, but apart from that, it's quite different really.

Can I still get gubbed by doing this?

Absolutely - but we do everything in our power to help you maximise your bookmaker value before and even after this happens. 

Imagine 30 to 50 ATM machines that have money in, that you probably haven't withdrawn every penny from so far. Ie. Maybe you are bonus gubbed but not stake restricted, meaning that there is still £1,000s waiting to get transferred from the online bookmaker accounts into your bank account that you are leaving on the table. 

The way we see it, is that you may as well withdraw as much as you can from each one, even if it does run out eventually, it's still worth doing, right? Even if just make an extra £10k or so that you wouldn't have done otherwise...

"I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Ben and his team for everything they have done"

"The only system that has worked for me"

'First of all I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Ben and his team for everything they have done and shown me to date... I followed the system throughout and made profits on the system straight away as Ben told us that we would.

I then started following the Copy and Profit system as my work got super busy and I found it much easier to just copy and paste the value bets as suggested in the course. It has been a god send to me in these busy times as I have been making a constant profit throughout by placing the bets everyday. I dedicated myself to do the bets everyday as soon as they were sent knowing that no matter what I know I would make some money that day however big or small. The system is so easy to follow and all the hard work has already been done for us by Ben and his super team!

All you have to do is follow the system. To date I have managed to use the profits to pay off some debt, buy another puppy, carpet my whole house, plaster all upstairs bedrooms ceilings including decorating, paying towards my second hand car, amongst many other small things. My next goal is to take my children on holiday one day as I have never taken them abroad.

The main thing for me is knowing that I have money in my bookmaker accounts as emergency should I ever need it, especially being a single mam with young kids who are growing boys and constantly go through shoes and clothes for their sports lol! This is the only system that has worked for me around my kids and being a busy mam as I also tried several other courses but never had the time to follow them through as my kids were so young.

I love the fact that I can do Bens course and make money even being busy because the system is so easy to follow. Ben also gives added value by adding more videos that are so helpful from other successful people who are doing the same.

Thank you so so much Ben and your team for all the hard work you have put into all this training and for helping so many people who would otherwise be struggling to make a second income.

It will always be up to you and only you to make your life successful and fulfilling and I can guarantee if you follow Bens course you definitely will!'

SHellY  //  Copy and Profit Case Study